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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sweet touching love letter

Sweet heart,

You know that I always love you. I miss you everyday. Although we remain friends and see each other all the time we are distant. We both know what feelings are stifled beneath smiles and being cordial. I catch you staring at me. Why do we deny each other? I watch you every time. I watch your mouths move, words just words. I fight the feeling of kissing your mouth for such a long time that the words stop and there is just us left without the veil of denial. There will always be love here for you. I know you are only mine and choose to try again and it will be yours forever...


Sweet romantic Love Letter

My sweet heart,

My heart is just overflowing with joy this morning. I had the most wonderful time with you. I think that you are an amazing girl. Because you look warms my heart. Your touch makes it quiver. Being close to you fills my heart with contentment. Touching and caressing you, in completely innocent ways, comforts me and my heart. Feeling your gentle touch on my lips made me feel desired. Feeling you gently touch my face made me feel you loved. Your gently touching your hand filled me with an ever increasing passion for you. You have filled my heart with untold joy and happiness. That is why I think that you are really sweet, because you make me feel amazing.

Just like last day we met on beach, I think that last night was the perfect evening at the perfect time. I don’t think that it was an accident. I don’t think meeting at this time in our lives was an accident. I think that someone is looking out for us. I think that we have been brought together at this time in our lives for something very special. I can’t wait to explore what life has in store for us.

With warmth and loving.


Most beautiful love letter for a girl

To My Dearest Barsa,

You know that I'm a person of few words. I don't often say what is on my mind and even if I do, it usually doesn't come out quite right. But what I do not express verbally doesn't mean I don't feel it in my heart.

I may not say I love you every day as some do. I may not have bought you beautiful gifts on occasions that matter. I may not have empathized when you were crying out for understanding. And I may not have done the right things to make you feel loved.

If you are going to judge me on these things alone, I know I have failed miserably. But if only you could look through my heart to see who it is beating for, you would know the depth of my love for you.

Darling, my emotions may not show but a love that is mostly hidden like mine is always deep and eternal. My heart can accommodate no other apart from you and I know this is how it is going to be for the rest of my life.

Expressionless I may be. Cold I may seem. But true love doesn't need to be shown. It resides in the heart just as how it resides deep in mine. And no matter the seasons that will come and go, it will be there withstanding the test of time.

As I write this today, the words are hard to flow. It is not my nature to be expressive. But no matter what, I want you to know that you are loved and cherished. And I want you to know that I do care. My words will never be able to describe exactly how I feel so, let me end this letter with 3 simple words, straight from my heart:

I love you.

Forever yours... 
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