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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Heart touching Love letter to her

My Sweetheart,

I don't have any words to let you know how much I am in love with you. You have qualities that I admire always. Every day I think about you, and it realize me that you make me fall in love with you. I am in a place that you always know it. You are in my heart always and will be ever. 

heart touching love letter
I often ask myself, why do I love you? More often than not, I fall short of the right words to answer this. Today when you are far, I want to tell you there are multiple reasons to love you. You have all the answers that I always follow. 

You are the most affectionate, warm, empathetic. I never get anyone like your quality. You are also supportive, and kind. What more could I have asked for? Moreover, I love you for who you are.

Yours always,



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