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Showing posts with label Best Romantic Love Letter To her. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Romantic Love Letter To her. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Best Romantic Love Letter To her

My Love,

I’m sure you are tired, of hearing this again and again people giving you their hearts saying “I love you” again and again. So I won’t put it all in three plain words because what I feel for you even I can’t understand all.I began to feel the beauty of the world, that there is so much in life unless if we stop hoping and there is so much in love unless is we stop loving.

I feel proud to say that you are mine. I really feel very lucky to have you. I always feel you near my heart, my breath and even sometimes I feel that I am experiencing your touch. This feeling is so special and different. I love this feeling. I feel your smell around myself. These are not only words but the true feelings of my heart and soul. 

I never feel alone because I always find you near me.

Yours and only Yours,
